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Exxon Mobil Guyana Office Complex

Client - ExxonMobil E&PS
Consulting Architect / Engineer - HOK

This project for ExxonMobil Global Services consists of a 15 acre campus located in Ogle on the outskirts of Georgetown, Guyana. Primary function is office space supporting operations division (Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited). The project consists of a two 3-story office buildings, with a total floor area of approximately 125,000+ sq. ft. associated surface parking and site improvements.

The buildings are framed with structural steel framed supported on approximately 800 No. pre-stressed concrete piles. All floors will be fully built out including F,F&E. Supporting structures include a loading dock with 2 truck bays and trash collection area, generator enclosure, utility yard with water storage and treatment plant, vehicle wash-down area, outdoor pavilion approximately 2,900 sq. ft., covered walks connecting the buildings, solar shade covers on the parking, two security guard houses with restrooms, soft and hard landscaping and all associated infrastructure works.

There is an option for a third office building to be constructed to match the proposed other buildings, the instruction to proceed with this building may come during the construction. This complex will have a nett zero energy footprint.


Project Summary

Exxon Mobil Head Office Facility in Ogle, ECD Guyana (Nabi/KCL Oilfield Construction Services Guyana JV).

Ogle, East Coast Demara
Under Construction

Project Images

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